This saturday (13th of July), I was vending at Ibaricon togheter with Kitsubow.
It was the con's first ever edition, the convention was small but it gave a cozy feeling and the other artists we were with in the artist alley were really nice and we laughed a lot with everyone.
Sales were fine for a first time convention.
I didn't experience everything from the visitors side but what i did experience was the random play dance hosted by the lovely members of Sanrozu & the jpop showcase, which i also participated in myself.
The random play dance was great, had a lot of fun and good laughs, the jpop showcase was also lots of fun, everyone was there to support and cheer eachother on with every performance.
At ibaricon, i had a few new products including new keychains and buttons, these will be on my website soon enough.
My next scheduled convention will be Comic Con Holland in Expo Greater on the 12th and 13th of October, hope to see you there <3
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